Learning to navigate the thorny terrain of conflict is an essential component to being in Right Relationship. From conflicts at work to crises at a larger scale, optimal solutions emerge when individuals who hold diverse perspectives are brought together and skillfully guided to explore underlying desires, needs, and interests.
Barbara’s work is about connection. First, with oneself and one’s own values and goals. Second, with others so that we each communicate our perspectives in ways that increase connection with others– even and especially when we see things differently.
Only from this place of connection and understanding can we truly see and access the full landscape of challenge and possibility. In this environment of increased trust and openness, relationships are preserved and deepened. Previously unseen solutions arise and ultimately better decisions are made.
Barbara is a powerful ally in helping each person clarify and express their unique perspectives and maintain relationship. And she does this while simultaneously creating and maintaining a calm and curious atmosphere that respects every voice. Barbara has designed a group dialogue process that she applies, with consistently terrific results, in spiritual organizations, communities, school systems, and businesses.